Solutions for Complex Asset Divisions
With unique experience in taxation, forensics & divorce financial planning, we assist divorcing clients, attorneys & mediators seek equitable financial settlement options in complex divorce cases.
Complex business assets, equities, real estate or retirement accounts require unique solutions. Save time & money in your divorce as we provide comprehensive financial analysis of your divorce settlement options. Working as a financial neutral, an advocate, or special witness, we are uniquely qualified to assist divorcing clients understand their divorce financial settlement options.
Our Services
While your attorney helps navigate complex family law issues, who will help you make appropriate financial decisions? It is extremely easy to make financial mistakes during your divorce. This is where a Certified Divorce Financial Analyst, CDFA® provides tremendous financial support.
What Is a Certified Divorce Financial Analyst?
A CDFA® is an experienced divorce financial professional with extensive background & training surrounding divorce financial issues. Certified by the Institute for Divorce Financial Analysts (IDFA), your CDFA® is held the highest ethical industry standards. .
Weekly Dispatches
Our most successful clients know that a high quality financial education is a critical step in the divorce process.
Our Practice
With extensive background in finance, taxation & divorce analysis, our clients can face divorce with confidence.
We provide defensible financial analysis for you and your attorney, helping you find your most fair & equitable divorce settlement.
Utah’s #1 Divorce Financial Planning Firm
We love our clients & it shows. Check out our reviews.